
44 years old from Lutsk

  • Birth Date

    19 March

  • Height

    166 cm5' 5''

  • Weight

    60 kg132 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build

    slim (slender)

  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoke


  • Drink


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation

    private enterpreneur

  • Marital status

    Divorced and I have children / 1 boy / 1 girl

  • Children age

    23 y.o.6 December16 y.o.14 March

  • Want to have children?


  • My Languages

    English BeginnerPolish Beginner

  • I’m looking for

    Marriage, Romance, Relationship

Natalya 3561
Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

The type of man that I desire

Polite, well-mannered, honest, confident, with a great sense of humor, kind, responsible, romantic :), who has a stable income and loves his job, so he wouldn't come grumpy home each day :)

I will not tolerate drunkards - it was the main reason of my divorce which led to a lot of abuse in my family concerning me and my children, so I am never ever going that lane again.

I will not forgive cheating or any ill-treatment of me or of my children. I will accept the children of the man I love with all the love and kindness I might find in my heart.

Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

How would I describe myself

I love life! I learnt to love it even more after a near-death experience I had with COVID-19.

I love laughing and joking :) Love pizza, fish, a juicy grilled steak, ice cream and a rare bar of milk chocolate.

I love people! I like communicating very much, despite being a little shy in the beginning I am quite sociable. I love open and sincere people and not those who are full of secrets and mysteries and conversations with whom always get into a blind alley sooner or later :)

The biggest value in my life have my children and people close to my heart.

Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

My future goals are

I plan to work as a professional masseur in my own little corner. I enjoy making massage very much because it allows to release pain from the body and helps people get rid of stress.

I dream to see the world one day. My children are already grown up, they know what they want from life, so I think it's finally my time to take care of my dreams.

Life is so much better when you have someone close to share all those wonderful moments and experiences, thus, finding an honest and kind man is my big hope and goal for now.

Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

What I do in my leisure time?

In my free time, I love making food bouquets for sale. I love reading a good book and watching a nice film. I enjoy spending time outdoors. Nature heals, and my soul still needs that healing :) Walking in the park, and spending time by the lake or river gives me a lot of satisfaction.

I love studying too. Each month I try to find some new field of interest and learn about it. I am open to new life. I feel like a very important chapter of my life is just starting now, and I love that feeling!

Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

My typical day

I wake up in the morning by habit to cook breakfast for my children and drink a cup of coffee while they get ready for school and work. I do some chores around the house, go out for shopping or to collect articles I will need for my food bouquets, or to give clients their orders. I prefer warmer seasons and sunny days, that's why when it's good weather I try to spend as much time outdoors – walking in the park, for example, as possible.

I also volunteer in the centers for war refugees or just people who need help.

Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Natalya Lutsk 44 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

About my family

I have two amazing, adult children - a daughter who already works on her own, and a son who is in high school, very responsible and mature even for his age. I trust my children completely, we have a very positive, supportive, caring union where everyone can be whoever they like to be and freely express their emotions.