How to search a girl for marriage on

There are only about 1000 girls in UaDreams' Ladies gallery. It is very good for you, because each of these girls is personally interviewed and her documents are checked. You will never find a married woman on our website!

However 1000 ladies is still a lot, and it is not easy to find the best one for you among them. So how to choose the best girl for marriage?

Use advanced search of a girl for marriage

Our website offers you good possibilities to narrow your search criteria in order to find the best match for you as quickly as possible. Go to the UaDreams Gallery of Ladies and click on Advanced search in the right upper corner of the search form. Here you can find a lot of options to find a  Ukrainian girl for marriage.

Lady's age. You can choose the minimum and the maximum age of the lady you want to meet.

Search a girl: Lady's age

Height, weight and build. Do you like small or tall ladies? Tiny tender ladies or women of tempting «weighty» forms?

Search a girl: Height, weight and build

Eyes and hair color. These criteria can be interesting for you, if you are looking for girls for marriage, but don't forget that ladies sometimes change their hair colour before you bat an eyelash ;) We will help you find your  hot blonde 

Search a girl: Eyes and hair color

Children. There are mother ladies on UaDreams as well! You can sometimes see their photos with children on the site. So, you can choose if you want to meet a lady who has a child or hasn't any chidren.

Search a girl: Children

Does she want to have children? A very important search criteria as well. If you have your own children, it is quite possible that you are not ready to dive into life with a little kid any more. Perhaps, you want to live for yourself and your wife. If you want to have children with your future wife, you will  find matching girls for marriage  at once!

Search a girl: want to have children

As we go forward, even more important things come along.

What is her religion? We don't exaggerate if we say that it is one of the most significant things you should know about your future wife.

Search a girl: What is her religion?

Does she drink and smoke? Pay attention to this option. A lot of men doesn't like when their woman smokes, but there are also those who take it coolly.

Search a girl: Does she drink and smoke?

Education. Almost each  Ukrainian girl has a higher education. It doesn't obligatory mean that she wants to build a career, but it means that she will match her husband and behave like a lady in every society. In general women in Ukraine are well-educated and love to study. By the way, your lady will gladly learn your native language.

Search a girl: Education

Her field of work. Now women work in a plenty of various fields. You can meet teachers and managers, artists and financiers, cooks and lawyers on UaDreams. However they all are not only good specialists, but beautiful women who know how to take care of their beauty. They all are loving and sincerely want to find a man whom they give their love.

Search a girl: Her field of work

Her marital status. A lady can be single or divorced, widowed or separated. One thing: You will never find a married lady on UaDreams!

Search a girl: Her marital status

And a very interesting option: You can enter a keyword, and the search engine finds all profiles of girls for marriage that contain this keyword.

Search a girl: keyword

Among other search criteria, our members often search for girls for marriage who are more than 30 or 40 years old. It is rational to think about your age difference and find a mature woman. She has life experience and knows how a relationship works.

Men who are UaDreams members already for a long time, know that there is never boring in our gallery! They just enter the section New ladies and see who joined the site recently. It's great! So you can always have your finger on the pulse of UaDreams' life.

And the most interesting thing in the whole Ladies gallery is Photo Gallery! Believe us! Just try to enter it, and you will be fascinated by an impressive and bright photostream. You can see the best photos of all ladies from the site in one go — and this photostream will never end!

The last part of the Gallery is Video gallery. One more advantage: you have not browse in the whole gallery if you want to see only ladies with video presentations.

Read more about  how to meet Ukrainian women  in this article.

Personal correspondence

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Photo and Audio

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Videos of ladies

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