Frequently Asked Questions About Scam By Potential Members Of Dating Sites

26 Jun 2023

People ask and we reply. Our essential comments and sincerest advices for those who are still in doubt about dating online. Here we speak about hopes and fears, about happy endings and scams.

1. Should I trust my strength of will while communicating with anyone via dating website?

You shouldn’t trust anyone online if you are dating via websites. Especially if you haven’t met this person in real life yet.

2. What I need to do if my man asks me to share my personal information like second name and address to send me a package from his country?

We do not recommend you to do that just because this is dangerous within digital fraud, phishing and etc. Someone would use your personal data in further profit. And for a person you know onlne the information you posted in your profile is enough, but no more.

3. How can I detect scammers from all people I communicate on dating sites online with?

Pay attention to the words they used to call you as “Dear”, “Sweet”, “Darling” and etc. This is the frequent trick of scammers. And be careful with the details missing and letters inconsistencies, put questions and be careful with quick responses.

4. My friend told me he was in trouble. He was communicating with a woman who lied about her age and now her father abuses my friend and threats to involve the law to this situation. So my friend is required for western union to send immediately instead, so what should he do?

Indeed the very first thing to do is to complain to the website your friends is apparently dating on for a proper investigation of the issue. You have to notice what they would do. And sure your friend has to report the police about dating scam, there is no shame about this, he is the next victim and it is better to find out how many of them yet have been experiencing.

5. Just in case we are dating and my beloved had spent a lot for me but later we are breaking up and he is requiring all money back, can I figure it out as a scam?

Usually we cannot find scammers to spend money for their potential victims, they would rather extract and demand money out from their soulmates, again and again. But this situation is difficult as well to be careful with. Apparently this can be a bait for the further affair so you may ask why he spent money on you instead of keeping with him. Probably this person is in need or just pretending.

6. Is that possible that no one is asking for money yet but keep scamming?

Pay attention if they get in touch with you once you call them scammers. As a rule scammers get lost after uncovering their crime. You should be aware of sophisticated methods of scammers, they make you rely on and to trust to them without forcing you to transfer money. Even if you ask they if they are scammers they will try their best to convince you that they are not!

7. How to find more photos of a person I might consider to be a scammer?

You may use Google search or identification of a person, probably there is any further information about him. However this is a private issue of your relationship, you may explain your doubts and request to send more photos but if your interlocutor refuses, most probably he or she has something to hide like a scammer.

8. I’ve been communicating with a man for nine months or so and he would like to transfer his account to my country, basically to my account. Actually I can understand that he needs my personal account details, that is why my question is: do I have any reasons to suspect him of a scam?

In your situation he would definitely ask for bank account details and yes, with that information he may withdraw your money as well. So we recommend you to create a separate starting bank account and to offer him to transfer his savings into it. This is a safe option for your money and will be a check for your suitor to be a real gentleman. If he agrees you may keep this account for him or he can add you to it. Or both of you should keep separate accounts for your happiness. In case he refuses, you have at least a reason not to trust him.

9. My online girlfriend does not let me to check her facebook profile and does not share her phone number. Should I trust her in this case?

Be cautious if she was the first who contacted you before. But if that was you, probably she is careful with sharing personal data with a person she had never met. Verify if there is any other sign of mistrust.

10. One man from Nigeria asks me to help him with some money for living or to buy him a mobile phone as he has no means. Should I?

Go ahead and ignore any request like that. People from Nigeria, Malaysia, Gambia and etc. used to be scammers and act via the similar offensive and ripping off schemes.

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