400 millions users of dating websites have their data leaked out to the internet

09 Mar 2023

We refer to the fresh news of Lenta.ru of November, 14.

The LeakedSource Group, cybercrime defences specialists, reported about breach of the database of accounts of one of the biggest dating website AdultFriendFinder and related websites of the company. Login info and passwords have been shared in the internet, according to the information on the website of the organization.

The administration of the AdultFriendFinder estimates their source “the biggest in the world society devoted to sex and swingers.” Unfortunately, Cams.com, Penthouse.com, Stripshow.com, iCams.com and some other sites for adults suffered the same fate. LeakedSource considers this hacking as one of the most influential.

Analytics suppose that passwords have been hidden by insecure method of HA1-hashing. As the result 99% of AdultFriendFinder passwords have been cracked.

Combination 123456 uncovered to be the most popular one and it has been used by almost a million of users. The 12345 password was used more than 635 thousands of times and 123456789 - more than 585 thousands of times.

The longest combination - “pussy.passwordLimitExceeded:07/1”.

Among other popular nondigital passwords specialists disclosed those ones on sexual theme and “France”, “Pakistan”, “Africa”, “Barcelona”, “Liverpool”, “dragon”, “superman”.

Referring to domains of email addresses used for the registration more than 5,5 thousands of government addresses of American domain .gov and above 78 thousands of addresses of the Ministry of Defense of the USA domain .mil have been uncovered as well.

Speaking about top-100 domains no .ru - area addresses have been found but 61 millions of gmail users.

This is the second hack attack to AdultFriendFinder that has been given publicity during a year and a half. In the year of 2015 almost 3,9 million of website users experienced inexcusable public sharing of their pictures and personal information about sexual favors.

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