Some useful advices for our valued men and women

12 Apr 2023

Today our life is scheduled strictly due to the moment when you are able to text or to phone or to hook up with someone. However we use online platforms for optimisation of our to-do list. Nevertheless during last 10-15 years it is not as safe as you hope. Draw your attention to social networks and related apps, yes, it is easy even to open dozen accounts than to verify if this is a human. That causes say it softly “misunderstandings” online with the terrible criminal results.

That’s why UaDreams takes everything possible to make people understand that this is NOT A JOKE. If you are ready to make some changes in your life then take it seriously and take care about your safety. Therefore you have to follow the instructions according to the terms and conditions of the membership and anti-scam policy. You should not neglect all fields to fill, paste all information scrupulously and imagine that a big staff accomplishes regular verification of all data. Thus you do make this job less hard but you help your technical department to detect scammers and fraudsters among thousands users.

Keep in mind that being in a contact with the Membership Support Center (as often as you can do that) is the best solution: you will have all your question answered, issues solved and even some misunderstandings prevented. Indeed, such an image of a neutral user who just have his profile and does not care about other rules - its modern eastern stereotype. But now, each person is eager to prove his serious intentions and to save his valued position. And western members give their best example of consequent or stable contact with the staff, this is called collaboration. Our assistance would be better with member’s great help, this is true.

But now, let’s speak about uncertainties. If you have any, go ahead and tell us about! And we will try to be very informative for you to comfort your online life here with UaDreams, to provide you with the best service we have and to defend you from scap structures. Thus have some minutes and read small advices below.

First thing you have to use - your common sense

Women are very sensitive creatures thus they always know when you lie or even try to cover the truth with some plays and tricks. Even the smallest game or phrase or negative joke would ruin your position, women love the truth and sincerity, direct intentions and mature and noble attitude of a man. So try to be like this while communicating with your woman. On the contrary, scammers do not think like that, they have common strategies, samples of talk. However they would love to treat you like this, beloved with passion. They would surround you with “care” and false attention to abandon you in this fake relationship.

Solution: use details, they are your army. You can operate and detect any simple misunderstandings with posting small questions. Be attentive with life stories and confessions, as a rule they lead to financial problem. So the next stage your scam woman would do is to ask you for a help. Or develop the situation to the top of dangerous drama effect and push you to the decision of offering help by your side. Thus, it was you who offered. That’s your fault. No one was forcing you. Be smart.

Hide your contacts from a bad eye, otherwise you’ll face with a fraud.

Never try to share your private details, address, contacts with a person you have never met. Even if your heart melted just with one sigh by the phone, one sight on a web cam. You don’t know if this person would ever meet with you again. Be confident in your actions. Do not try to skip to the personal communication, there is no one who would give a helping hand to you in need. Thus you will make the situation more complicated and our system would have no access and no data for a report. Our website is a decision of a confidentiality. Do not ease the job for fraudsters and swindlers of different kind.

So let’s cut a long story short: no home address, home telephone or mobile number, no credit card number, no passport data or email address, no nicknames of social accounts should be given to your interlocutor! We strictly do not recommend anyone to do this. Do not ask and do not offer. No exchange at all.

No cent for a woman! No cent, no cry!

UaDreams is against any money transferring! Have you ever received soft and tearful stories about hard times and life difficulties? And with some financial sense? If your woman behave like that, she is a scammer. Scammer would definitely do that, maybe later while your attention would be lost in love and passion. Of course there are truthful stories that need donation, this can be done on trustful websites online, or after your first meeting in Ukraine.

Remember: real feeling cannot be based on money issues, so try to find another topic for conversation.

Facilitate your talk, think what you are texting about.

Every new content of each our fresh member is untouchable. UaDreams staff never makes any changes. And a member only is the one who is responsible for his content. If you feel any discomfort with talking to one of your interlocutors, some swindlers or anyone who abuses you, give us a sign and we will block him or her.

It’s better to use official and ready packages for trip!

Of course we understand all fears and doubts you may feel with the thinking about a visit to Ukraine. This is a country of an Eastern Part of Europe that’s why your trip should be planned properly due to mental, language and etc. details. This is unknown place for you with the world shadow reputation, and our aim is to convince you that your staying here would be safe and comfortable. Our trip managers would give you the best assistance according to all detailed expenses.

Pay attention that your trip package includes total help according to booking tickets, our staff would schedule convenient flight, transfer, driver, interpreter and care about accommodation, of course. Speaking about your first meeting with a lady, we will provide you with your best helping hand at some public place. Believe us, our experience have been inspiring us for more than 10 years and happy smiling couples is the best way to encourage all people to be happy, that is why our fresh ideas will be very much appreciated!

Apartment or a hotel: what to choose?

In this case we recommend you to take a hotel as there is numerous staff there who would provide you the best assistance in case you need something immediately. However there are lots of apartment variants for your budget. Anyway we advise you to stay in your room and do not go out alone, be secured.

Outsider services can be cheaper, why should I pay more?

Yes, they can cost less money but we are not able to give guarantee. As well as any financial issues you may have with your date - no chances for love in this case. We recommend you to focus on your relationships to build up but not thinking about this part. It is better to be convinced in her attitude to you, but not to your money or to the restaurant food or whatever.

Pay for additional services, if necessary, of course.

You are handsome, gorgeous and noble young man who wants to demonstrate his bright and sincere respect and admiration to a woman. So we encourage you to make any gifts or present during a meeting. But this is not we push our members to do, this is only by their wish. If they want additionally - special tours for wedding, jewelry, delicious food for relatives, or probably plastic beauty surgery (!) can be purchased as well. Just keep in mind that expenses for these orders will hardly be returned.

So think twice before you make such a generous act or just never require something back as gifts are to be gifted but not returned. For us this is an honour to be the third part of a family creation and every new happy common start for a couple. That is why we want you to feel relaxed with UaDreams and have this membership like a place for only positive thoughts and actions. If you feel confused with anything, we are open for a dialogue!

Give us any feed back with your questions or suggestions, this is always encourage us to look for further bright ideas implementations.

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