What impresses a woman the most?

20 Apr 2021

What impresses a woman the most? Frankly speaking, to impress women isn't an easy task and this is a well-known fact. Many men wish to know how to do this, they keep trying to impress but they are still puzzled and wish to know more. There are a lot of guides and tips written on how to impress a woman and what impresses a woman, but not all of them are working. Every situation is special and unique but sometimes a very small gesture, a smell, or several words make the best first impression. That will help a woman to decide if she wants to go on the relationship, if your couple has a future, or if there will be a second date. Your dreams will come true if you do the right things and follow very simple pieces of advice.

When you want to impress a girl you don't know - tips and tricks

So what does a man do to impress a woman? Remember these helpful tips when you meet the lady for the first time, our piece of advice will help you to impress the woman that you don’t know on the first date and ever after. Here are the best ways to impress a woman.

  • Dress well to impress the woman. Yes, women take care of their clothes and they do pay attention to men's outlook. Neat and tidy clothes, clean shoes is a must. Think about the place where you and your lady are going to spend the evening and choose the right clothes for the right place. That will help you to feel comfortable and your lady will appreciate this.
  • Be polite and be a gentleman. Women like men with good manners. Women like when men say “Thank you”, “You are welcome” when men hold the door for the lady or help with the coat. That’s principal for a lot of ladies to be with a well-mannered man.
  • Think before you speak and speak only after you have thought. Just remember about this on the first date and later.
  • Pay your woman a very sincere compliment. Women like when men admire them when they say nice words when they applaud their beauty and brain. For sure, you will see something special in your lady so remember to tell her about that. That may be a smile, eyes, or nice manicure.
  • Choose a good perfume. The first impression is so important. Pay attention to the cologne or spray but choose a good one and a little bit will be more than enough.
  • Make her feel special and do this from your heart. Women feel when a man is frank and appreciate when a man is sincere. Bring nice flowers, invite her to a nice place, do anything to make her feel the special one.

Learning to impress ladies without words

Scientists say that we get 20 percent of information with words. What about 80 percent? Our body, poses, gestures, mimics or so tell our partner more than our words. Our body never lies and always says the truth. You should be sincere, open, and, of course, smile. Your smile will help you to conquer her heart. Our body tells the truth, be yourself, let your body say her the same as your words and that would be the best combination ever.

Ukrainian women and how to impress them

Ukrainian women are sensitive and they pay much attention to deeds and words. How to impress a woman on a date? If we are talking about the first date, it’s better to come with flowers and to think about the café where you would spend the evening. Ask your lady beforehand what kind of food she prefers, what is her favorite café or restaurant and invite her there. Show her that you worry and do take care of her. Ukrainian women pay much attention to their appearance, they prefer nice clothes and, of course, make-up and for sure, women wish to be with a man whose clothes are neat and tidy, whose shoes are clean.

If you do everything right, the first impression would be perfect. What next? Communication! Think about the theme for the conversation, talk about hobbies, holidays, books, movies or so. Remember about the topic that you discussed before, in letters or chat. A lady would be touched when you show her that you remember what you have already discussed. That is a good start for your future relationships and it shows that you care and you appreciate her. One more thing that you can do is to become a part of her company and to make friends with her friends and family, you will know more about your woman and you will be able to spend time together with people who are important to your girlfriend.

Now you know how to impress a Ukrainian woman and it’s high time to try if it works with the woman you are going to have a date with. We do hope this knowledge will help you to build strong, long-lasting, and serious relationships with the woman you like.

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